Switching Plans & Updating Payment Info
Your subscription plan and payment method can be updated on your Settings page in the Update Subscription tab.
When you click that you will see a box like this that will open.
On this first page you can select which plan you would like.
On the 2nd page is your billing address.
The 3rd page is where Team Member Count, Billing Frequency, and Billing Information are.
Team Member Count: This is where you manage the number of active team members you are paying for on your subscription. You may note that it is possible to be paying for more Team Members than you actually have active. This is because when you add a team members to your Team page, ZoomShift automatically increases this number to meet that new Active Team Member count, but when Team Members are archived it is up to the organization to come into this subscription section and lower it. You can lower this number anytime anyone is archived, to make sure you are not paying more more Team Members than you need to.
Billing Frequency: This is how often you will be billed for your subscription. Annual is yearly, and Monthly is done per month. Please note, that if you add a Team Member mid month or year (depending on frequency) you will receive an invoice for that addition that is separate from your regular subscription invoice.
Billing Information: This is the card that is used to charge your subscription. If you need to change the card use simply enter it by clicking the bubble next to Add New Card.
You can update anything on the 3 pages above at any time, and click Update Subscription when you are done.
If you didn't find the answers you were looking for in this article, please reach out to Support for further assistance.