History: Viewing who created what, and any changes made.

Sometimes it is helpful to know the history of a shift or timesheet, such as, who made a change, when a change was made, or what notifications have went out. 

As a Premium user you can view this information by clicking the History button at the bottom of any shift, timesheet, shift cover, open shift, or time off request.

This is an example of locating it on a shift (The button will look the same, and be in the same location for all forms in which is is applicable):

Once you click the History button, you will then see the complete history for that record.

Here is an example of a Shift's History, which shows you when the shift was created, whether is it unpublished or published, and if any changes were made, and by who. Missed clock in notifications will also reside here:

Just a few other helpful notes about History:

Timesheet history will also show you timesheet clock in and out location (if you use GPS functionality), Approval status, Notification History, and what device was used to clock in and out.

Time Off History will show approval status, changes, and who approved or denied it.

User Profile History will show changes in PTO (If on) and wage changes.

If you did not find the answers you were looking for, contact Support for further assistance. 

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