How to make and manage a multi-organization account

How to create a Multi-Organization Account

Managing a Multi-Organization Account

Sharing Team Members between Organizations


How to create a Multi-Organization account

If your business has multiple locations, and you want to make them as separate organizations versus separate locations. As an owner, you can add additional organizations via the web by clicking on the name of your organization in the upper left. When you do this a box will open with the option to add a New Organization

You can create as many organizations as you want, but can only create them if you are the owner of the account. Each organization has its own schedule, team, timesheets, discussions, and payroll. 

Managing a Multi-Organization account

Once you create your organizations, they will each be managed separately. This means that you will need to add your team members to the appropriate organization(s), as well as choose the settings individual to that organization. 

Switching Between Organizations

You can switch between organizations on mobile and on the web. 

Web: You switch by clicking on the name of the organization you are in, on the upper left. This will pull down a drop box, just like when you added an organization. But, instead of adding, you will just click on the organization you want to go into. 

Mobile: You switch in Settings>Switch Organization

Sharing Team Members Between Organizations

If you have multiple organizations, and some management or team members are shared between those locations, you do not have to re-add them to ZoomShift, but instead, you would just import them into all applicable organizations. You would do this by going into the organization you want to add them to. Click onto the Team page and choose Tools>Import via Other Organization. When you click that a box will open that will list all team members who are currently in other organizations within the account, but are not in this organization. You can check off as many team members from that list as you want, and they will be imported. (This does not delete them from other organizations, just adds a version of them into another organization.)

Tips for Shared Team Members: 

  • When team members are imported into a new organization, they do not show up with any info aside from their basic profile info. This means you will need to assign a role, positions, wage, etc. This is done to truly allow you to customize each organization. 
  • If you archive a team member who is shared between organizations, you will need to archive them in each organization, unless they are just not working at one location anymore, but will continue on the other. 
  • Inform all shared team members how to switch between organizations, so that they know where to find each schedule, as well as can clock in from the right location. 

Web: You switch by clicking on the name of the organization you are in, on the upper left. This will pull down a drop box. Click on the organization you want to go into. 

Mobile: You switch in Settings>Switch Organization


Does adding organizations cost money? No. You are still billed by team member, and are not charged more than once for each team member, even if they are shared. 
Can my invoices be broken up by organization? No. The invoice is for the entirety of your account, which includes each organization. 

Can my organizations have different Time Zones? Yes, you can set an individual Time Zone for each organization, by going into each one and going to Settings>Details & Timezone. 

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