Utilizing Public & Private Notes

Notes are a great way to deliver information to your Team, but, they can also be a great way to document. Below we will discuss how to utilize Public and Private Notes on Shifts and Timesheets, add Notes to Team Member profiles, and manage your Notes. 

Private vs Public Notes

Manually Creating a Note on a Shift or Timesheet

Creating a Note on a Team Member Profile

Team Member Notes Entered Via a Time Clock

Viewing Notes on the Schedule Page, Timesheets Page, and Team Page

Editing Notes

Deleting Notes

Viewing Note History

Private Vs Public Notes

When creating a note on a Shift or Timesheet, Manager level Team Members will have the option to choose whether to create a Public or Private Note.

Public (Visible): Visible to Everyone (Shifts) or Visible to Team Member (Timesheets)

Private (Not Visible): Visible to Manager level Team Members only 

Manually Creating a Note on a Shift or Timesheet

Below we will discuss how to create a note based on your Role.

Managers & Owners

Notes can be entered at the Time of Creation of a Shift or Timesheet or after. Here are the steps: 

1. Click the Notes section of the Shift or Timesheet you want:

2. If this is the first Note, the tab will open with a Note Form to fill out and choose Visibility for:

If one or more Notes have been entered previously, you will see the option to Add a Note and then fill out the form as seen above:


Notes can be entered at the time of creation of a shift or after. Here are the Steps: 

1. Click the Notes section of the Shift you want:

2. If this is the first Note, the tab will open with a Note Form to fill out:

If one or more Notes have been entered previously, you will see the option to Add a Note and then fill out the form as seen above:

*Important: As Supervisors your notes will automatically default to Public

Creating a Note on a Team Member Profile

As a Manager or Owner you may need to add important information to a Team Member Profile. You can do this via the Team Page. Here are the steps:

1. Choose the Team Member you want to Add the Note to and open their Profile. 

2. Click the Notes button at the top:

3. Choose Add a Note:

4. Enter Note content:

*Important: Notes entered on the Team Page can only be entered by Managers and Owners and they default to Private.

Team Member Notes Entered Via a Time Clock

Any Team Member who utilizes the Time Clock is able to enter a Note at Clock in or Clock Out.

Managers & Owners

When Clocking In or Out using the Time Clock you can enter a Public or Private Note. Public Notes will be visible to that Team Member, Managers, and Owners. Private Notes are only Visible to Managers and Owners.

Employees & Supervisors

When Clocking In or Out using the Time Clock you can enter a Public Note. This Note will only be visible to Managers and yourself. 

Viewing Notes on the Schedule Page, Timesheets Page, and Team Page

You can view notes on the Schedule, Timesheets, and Team Page. Based on the number of Notes, your Role, and your settings, notes will appear differently. 

Schedule & Timesheets Page

When viewing the Schedule and Timesheets page you will want to keep in mind your Settings for how Notes appear. If Inline Notes are ON you are requesting for the Note Title to be viewed on the Shift or Timesheet. If Inline Notes is Off, you are requesting to see Notes only when hovering over a Shift or Timesheet with a Note on it. You can find the Inline Notes setting in Settings>Formatting & Privacy. 

Inline Notes ON:

Inline Notes OFF:

If there is more than one Note attached to a Timesheet or Shift, then the most recent Note that is visible to that user will be shown along with the number of Visible Notes to them. Here are some examples:

I am a Manager and I am viewing a Timesheet with 3 Notes. Here is what I see while looking at the Timesheets Page:

If I click onto this Timesheet to view the Notes I can see that only 1 is Public and 2 are Private:

I am an Employee or Supervisor. Here is what I see while looking at the the sam Timesheet:

If I click onto this Timesheet to view the Notes, I can only see the 1 Public Note:

Team Page

Only Managers and Owners can see the Notes entered on the Team Page. The notes present can be viewed by clicking into the Team Member Profile and choosing Notes:

To view the content of the Note. Simply click on it:

Editing Notes

Managers and Owners can Edit all Public & Private Notes, by simply clicking into the Notes section of any Shift, Timesheet, or Team Member Profile. They can also change the Visability of any Note on the Timesheets or Schedule Pages.

Supervisors can Edit all Public Notes on the Schedule Page. 

Employees: Cannot Edit Notes.

Deleting Notes

Managers & Owners can Delete Notes on the Schedule Page, Timesheets Page, or Team Member Page. 

To Delete a Note simply click into the Notes section of the Shift, Timesheet, or Team Member Profile. Hover over the Note you want to Delete. A trash can will appear. Click that to Delete the Note.

Viewing Note History

History of Notes can be viewed in the History of any Shift, Timesheet, or Team Member Profile on a Premium Plan. Simply click the History Button, and view any changes that were made to a note:

You can also view who last updated a Note under the Note Title.

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